Human Resources Practices are conducted with the aim of improving employee efficiency and increasing employee loyalty and satisfaction.
Our target is to complete the end-to-end integrated HR infrastructure project, which will in turn ensure sustainability by standardizing systems and processes.
Manpower Planning: Manpower planning covers improving both the organizational structure and the business processes in order to best harness the potential of our employees. Our motto for identifying optimal manpower is, “Recruiting the right person, with the right skills, for the right job, at the right time and at the right cost”.
Competency Management: Our goal is to manage the talents and skills of our people who are the driving force of our organization and the engine behind its successful performance. In order to achieve this, we arrange necessary developmental activities and try to improve operational efficiency by matching right competencies with the right positions.
Recruitment Management: In the recruitment process, all candidates are expected to have the education, know-how and competences required for a particular position; on top of these, the candidates should have the personality traits that are in tune with our corporate culture and values. In order to create long-term employees and to find the talents who will carry our company successfully to the future, internship programs, personality inventory, competency interviews, evaluation centre practices are methods that we effectively use.
Career Management: Our goal is to help our employees analyse their talents and areas of interest and map their careers accordingly. We believe that by removing uncertainties and creating a predictable and foreseeable planning model, we can create highly- motivated employees with a strong sense of ownership. We manage all these processes in order to increase the awareness and self-awareness of our employees, help them identify their career goals, receive feedback and take the necessary actions to move forward in their career paths.
Performance Management: Our system consists of processes such as goal setting and cascading, realization follow-up, interim and end-year assessments, action setting and feedback. Our purpose is to cascade the targets that have been set in line with the Holding and company strategies to all managerial levels and to objectively manage the performance of all employees using common standards. Our main tenant in performance management is to create a sustainable value chain.
Succession Management: In order to ensure continuity of business and to minimize the risks that might result from manpower shortage, key positions and positions that might be needed in the future are identified in line with the principles of succession management. The idea is to meet the demand for those key positions and vacancies that might emerge at managerial levels in the short, medium or long term by recruiting high-performing and high-potential employees from within the company. We organize our activities to systematically identify the right candidates and to evaluate and improve their performance.
Development and Training Management: This function is operating within the HR to plan, prepare, carry out and manage trainings to develop and improve the skills of our employees in line with the vision, mission, goals, long-term plans and strategies of the company. The objective is to determine how the end-to-end value created by the employee can be improved taking into account all the relevant processes starting from recruitment.
Recognition and Reward: Our organization implements Recognition and Reward programs to highlight behaviours and efforts that generate the highest value for the company, to ensure their sustainability and to strengthen the motivation of our people.